Golden Apple Snail

Golden Apple Snail
Pomacea canaliculata is locally known as "kuhol"

Kuhol Eggs

Kuhol Eggs
Kuhol eggs are laid in clusters and take 2 weeks to hatch

Escherichia coli

Escherichia coli
E.coli grown in vitro on an agar culture plate

E.coli bacteria

E.coli bacteria
Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Escherichia coli

Selective and differential agar

06 October 2011

EMB (Eosin Methylene Blue) agar inhibits gram positive bacteria, so it is instrumental in isolating gram negative pathogens of the lower digestive tract. the normal flora bacterium E.coli is readily detected on EMB agar by the green sheen that the colonies develop. most pathogens don't develop such as sheen, so microbiologists has a much easier job of isolating the organism responsible for the disease. EMB therefore both a selective and differential medium.

Source: Kandel, J. and Larry McKane. (1996). Microbilogy: Essentials and Application (2nd Ed). United States of America: McGrawHill,Inc.


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